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Statistic information - Please help !! urgent


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Hi All

i'm very new to bit comet and i found this information stated at the Statistic page :-

Overall Infos: Torrents: 2 | Peers: 0 | Sockets: 0 (HTTP: 2)

TCP Connections: Established: 0 | Half-Open: 0 | Waiting: 0


Overall Download Rate: 0 KB/s Connection Limits: 30 - 60 per task

Overall Upload Rate: 0 KB/s Upload slots: 3 - 5

Disk Cache Size: 0 B (Min: 6 MB, Max: 50 MB)

Free Phys Mem: 168.36 MB (Min: 50 MB)

Disk Read Statistics: Request: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Actual Disk Read: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Hit Ratio: 0.0%

Disk Write Statistics: Request: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Actual Disk Write: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Hit Ratio: 0.0%

Total Downloaded: 255.22 MB

Total Uploaded: 854.65 MB

my questions are :-

i) while i downloading i saw Peers displayed as 2, sometimes 3 and etc, what does this means ? someone connected to my pc ? does it brings any harm to my pc ?

ii) Total uploaded 854.65 MB means what ? i'm actually downloading some mp3 from the site, but why it has the Total uploaded ? does it means the "Peers" have downloaded something from my pc without my knowledge ?how to prevent "Peers" downloading fils from my pc ?

Please help !!

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no one is connected to you're computer but when you use a torrent to download you are linked to a big chain so "you thouth that the seders to this for fun? or what?" they do it cas they won't wanna get banned cas they cheat the "system"= seders and leachers...

no one is coonected to you're system you're computer is uploading cas the hole system of the torrent was ment to do that...

and for the second question if you stop uploading to other pears or don't want to "the system" has an inbuilt lowering of download speed for the torrent, so plese try to share/ upload to the U/D ratio of 1/1 so you don't get banned...

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no one is connected to you're computer but when you use a torrent to download you are linked to a big chain so "you thouth that the seders to this for fun? or what?" they do it cas they won't wanna get banned cas they cheat the "system"= seders and leachers...

no one is coonected to you're system you're computer is uploading cas the hole system of the torrent was ment to do that...

and for the second question if you stop uploading to other pears or don't want to "the system" has an inbuilt lowering of download speed for the torrent, so plese try to share/ upload to the U/D ratio of 1/1 so you don't get banned...

Hi Dawin45, for the second question, does it means the peers "dowloading" files from my PC, if so, what are the files being downloaded ?

please advise

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Boonyam, you download and upload all active torrents at the same time. You receive a piece of a torrent from another swarm member. You trade that piece to other swarm members, for their pieces. Then you trade those pieces for still other pieces, and so it goes until you have the complete file. Then you begin sharing pieces to those who still haven't completed yet.

The files you're uploading are the files you're downloading. You can't, generally, make your client stop uploading them but if you could, then all the other clients would stop sharing with you because you haven't anything to offer them.

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Boonyam, you download and upload all active torrents at the same time. You receive a piece of a torrent from another swarm member. You trade that piece to other swarm members, for their pieces. Then you trade those pieces for still other pieces, and so it goes until you have the complete file. Then you begin sharing pieces to those who still haven't completed yet.

The files you're uploading are the files you're downloading. You can't, generally, make your client stop uploading them but if you could, then all the other clients would stop sharing with you because you haven't anything to offer them.

Hi Kluelos, you mentioned "The files you're uploading are the files you're downloading", meaning to say, the peers did not upload/copy my personal files from my PC to their PC without my knowledge and the "uploading" purely means those files that i downloaded from peers ?

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