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Choppy sound

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The sound on my Windows XP system works perfectly. That is until I start BitComet, then it starts chopping up for about 1 second with intervals og 15-20 seconds. This is really (!) annoying and makes playing music/video while down-/uploading with BC a pain. The problem persists even after BC is stopped. A reboot will fix it.

I've tried upgrading BC to the newest release (0.68) and upgrading my sound card drivers (SB Live Value). All with no result.

Your ideas and input would be very much appreciated.



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Hm, BitComet itself shouldn't really meddle with your sound systems/settings.

As BitDave mentioned, it may be an external software that's causing this issue i.e. such as a firewall which is continuously blocking something that perhaps BitComet is trying to run.

Alt+ ctrl + del then head to processes --> Locate BitComet.exe also have a quick glance at the CPU usage of other applications.

In addition to checking whether BitComet is maxing your CPU processes, check other applications which are maxing out your CPU processes and end process it.

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  • 1 year later...

I have the same problem with my bitcomet, version 0,62, though i've updated to the latest and it still has it....

The sound just chopps all of a sudden for 1 second. I've set my cpu priority for bitcomet to low, the problem has quited a bit, but it is still there. And the task manager shows Bitcomet doesn't use so much cpu, almost no use...

If you have any other clue...

PS.. Zone alarm is not responsible, i've checked it.....

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zone alarm is well known to cause problems with p2p, and disabling it is not a valid way to rule it out, only a complete uninstall (registry cleaning is a good idea too).

Also, this is caused by the multitasking that windows uses, which can cause interruption in any audio or video, which requires a steady rate of cpu time.

You can try setting your player to higher priority, upgrade your hardware (cpu, ram), or remove unneeded processes.

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