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Click the button "Allow HTTP" in Peerguardian.

If you don't want to use an ip-filter program or setting you probably will also be connected to ip's you don't want to be connected to such as bad P2P-ip's, Gov-ip's, spyware ip's, etc.

Hope this helped.


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At your initial installation, Peerguardian asked you which groups of ip's you want to block. You had to check or uncheck them. You can find the groups when you click the "list manager" button. Every now and then Peerguardian automatically downloads updated database files of the groups. The database can be trusted.

You don't have to do a thing. Just run it while you use BitComet.

To see (for fun) what it does, just click the blue icon while you are BitCometing and you'll see what ip's, including names and ports, are real time blocked.

Hope this helped.


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Next to where it says "list manager" it will say what block lists you have installed. I use P2P, Spyware, adds and government. Although I really have no need to block governments, but if you live in a country where your government is permitted to monitor what you download, then I would add that list. One of the most blocked government peers are from China.

I have no idea what the laws are in china, but if you live there, I suggest you add the list.


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