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couple of problems that kills me with BitComet

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Hello all,

i would like to share couple of problems am facing with BitComet client version 1.11, by sharing this i hope to find satisfying answers to these issues.

- slow or dead browsing :

whenever BitComet is downloading or uploading even at speed of 1kbps for either, my internet browsing dies. i just cant browse unless i exit the client. this was not the case few weeks back. i did not install anything new to my system except for NOD32 antivirus. i made couple of tests with NOD32 shut down but the problem remains.

- Blocked IP message :

when i launch the client, it immediatly registers with my username, i get more than 1400 DHT connections as well, but for the IP and port it always displays ( detect failed ) and then i recieve the (Blocked) message with an IP and port following.

i tried to chose another random port several times from the options window but it wouldnt work. i have not firewalls installed and windows firewall is disabled.

i have attached couple of snapshots that illustrates this issue.

not to mention that my downloading and uploading is not effected with this ( or it appears so ) but it is an annoying thing that i would like to get rid of.

i hope i can find some answers to those issues with you..

oh by the way, i have tried to upgrade to version 1.13 but it did not help either.




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Um.. read this first. we need more info in order to help you. :) Have you made a rule for BitComet in Nod32? the rules made automatically may only allow connections requested by you. It may also be a router or a modem problem but I don't know if you have one. Your operating system may be causing problems too, I can see that it's not genuine and you don't have access to windows updates. One more thing: for your own security, never post your wan ip on public forums.

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Your first screenshot indicates that your listen port is blocked. This is, in your situation, a very good thing, because if this:

i have not firewalls installed and windows firewall is disabled.

is true, you have much bigger problems. You need one firewall, and you should never connect to the internet without one. If you do, your computer can and probably will be taken over and zombied in a matter of minutes. Most of the spam email that you get actually comes from people like you who turned off their firewalls and have been taken over without knowing it. Most distributed denial-of-service attacks come from computers like yours that have been zombied and are under someone else's control. The bad guys try very hard to keep you from ever knowing that they own you.

But, you're in luck: something's blocking your port, and that means a firewall. Blocking ports is what they are for. That's not a side-effect, it's a firewall's purpose. That indication means your system is still being protected by a firewall in spite of you, and whether you're aware of it or not.

You will need to find that firewall. Do NOT turn it off when you do. Configure it to open the one and only port that you need open. It may be a firewall that you don't control, in which case you'll have to run BitComet without a listen port. That will be slower, but will still work.

(In your second screenshot, the detection light is grey. That indicates that BitComet wasn't able to reach or get a response from its port-testing server, so it couldn't tell whether your port was open or not.)

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Thank you all for replying ..

following, more information"

i am using BitComet 1.11 , installed on windows XP pro genuine version with up to date updates. i have DSL connection with speed of 4 MBPS and i have a modem.

and after reading your comments carefully i am planning on buying a firewall and installing it shortly.

however, can you now try to figure out what could be the problem ? and how to solve it ?

do you need more snapshots in order to have a better judgment ?

for your information, i have not touched the default configuration of the client ever since it was installed on the system.

Thank you in advance ... i really hope to solve this issue.

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can you now try to figure out what could be the problem ?

That indication means your system is still being protected by a firewall in spite of you, and whether you're aware of it or not.

You will need to find that firewall.

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Your DSL modem is not also a router? If yes there might be your firewall. As for buying a firewall... there are plenty of free firewalls around, no need to spend your money on one. You can try Comodo for instance (been running it for 2 years now with no problems) or do a search for free firewals. There are many more: Outpost, Kerio, Ashampoo, ZoneAlarm etc.

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As greywizard says, there are many free options to choose from, on the Internet.

I discommend, however, the use of ZoneAlarm, if only for its notoriety of being very ill-behaved with most (if not all) p2p programs.

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