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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

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Mergi in meniul "Options", in sectiunea "Connection" si copie numarul de port din casuta "Listen port". Apoi descarca aplicatia asta si, dupa instalare, scrie acel numar acolo si testeza-l in amandoua modurile, UDP si TCP.

Posteaza aici rezultatele.

DHT are nevoie de acel port UDP deschis pentru a functiona. Din cate vad eu nici in Torrent Collection nu ai nimic. Ai dezactivat tu optiunea?

Go to the"Options" menu, in the "Connection" tab, and copy the port number you see in the "Listen port" box. Then download this app and, installing it, write that number there and test it in both UDP and TCP modes.

Post here the results.

DHT needs that UDP port forwarded to work. From what I see you don't have anything in the Torrent Collection either. Did you disable it?

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In ambele situatii mesajul este: Your port is NOT OPEN or not reachable.In ceea ce priveste torrent collection eu nu am dezactivat nimic.

I get the same message from both modes: Your port is NOT OPEN or not reachable. Regarding the torrent collection I haven't disabled anything.

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Your screen does not show a response from DHT. I'm not sure what this reflects in this version.
In this screenshot it show that there are another 17 minutes remaining, until the DHT network will be queried. As far as I can tell, by default, in the last versions the DHT network is queried after 20 minutes from the start of the task (probably to give time to tracker queries to be resolved, without overloading the client with overhead traffic).

In acea poza arata ca mai sunt 17 minute pana la urmatoarea cerere la DHT. Din cate stiu, implicit, in ultimele versiuni, cererile la reteaua DHT se fac la 20 de minute de la pornirea sarcinii (probabil pentru a lasa timp pentru ca cererile la trackere sa se finalizeze, fara a supraincarca clientul cu trafic).

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In this screenshot it show that there are another 17 minutes remaining, until the DHT network will be queried

Yes, it does. What it does not say is the result of the PREVIOUS query.

That's normally reported in the status columns as either (number of peers found) or (forbidden), but here it's completely blank. In any case, it seems like a peripheral issue so far.

Acea poza arata ca mai sunt 17 minute pana la urmatoarea cerere la DHT.

Da, asa e. Ce nu arata e rezultatul cererii PRECEDENTE.

Asta se arata in coloanele de stare ca (numarul de parteneri gasiti) sau (interzis), dar aici e gol. In orice caz, arata ca o problema minora pana acum.

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@ rovid,

As your English skills are quite good, I suggest that the next time you start a thread, you do so in the (English) General Forum - there, you will not have to wait for our Staff to translate your posts. :D

Having said this, I would also ask that you please only type in Romanian in this forum. Being, myself, another translator, I can assure you that the workload (and irritability) is increased when our members decide to post in a non-English forum, both in the non-English language and in English (it makes us feel as though we are wasting our time).

Thank you for your cooperation.

Regards. :)

Avand in vedere ca abilitatile tale in limba engleza sunt bune, sugerez ca urmatoarea data cand incepi un topic, o faci in in forumul general (englez) - acolo nu va trebui sa astepti Echipa sa-ti traduca postarile.

Spunand astea, as vrea ca in acest sa postezi doar in limba romana. Si eu, fiind un traducator, te asigur ca munca (si stresul) este crescut cand membrii nostri decid sa scrie intr-un forum non-englez, si in limba non-engleza si in engleza (ne face sa ne simtim ca si cum ne-am irosi timpul).

Multumesc pentru cooperare.


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What it does not say is the result of the PREVIOUS query.

No, kluelos, I haven't made myself clear. In the last version I'm using (v.1.15), BitComet doesn't query the DHT network at all for 20 minutes after it started a task (i.e. the first query is after 20 min).

I'm not sure why it does it but I assume that, maybe, it leaves some time for all trackers to be queried first.

Ce nu arata e rezultatul cererii PRECEDENTE

Nu, Kluelos, nu am fost destul de clar.In ultima versiune pe care inca o folosesc (v1.15), BitComet nu cere nimic de la reteaua DHT pentru 20 de minute de la pornirea unei sarcini (cum spuneam, prima cerere are loc dupa 20 de min).

Nu sunt sigur de ce face asta, dar presupun ca ,poate, lasa timp pentru celelalte cereri la trackere.

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What a weird and undesirable change THAT is! Why would they do that? If you get a timeout from the tracker(s), you have to sit there with nothing going on, waiting 20 minutes before it even checks DHT? I think I would count that as dumb.

There's no earthly reason to wait. The two systems are completely independent, and it sure doesn't take 20 minutes for the tracker query even if they weren't. No previous version I've tried ever waited, and DHT results frequently come in before any tracker responds.

I would call this a pretty serious defect in 1.15 and recommend reverting to a previous version.

Ce schimbare ciudata si nedorita este ASTA! De ce ar face asta? Daca expira timpul de conectare la tracker(e), trebuie sa stai fara sa se intample nimic, asteptand 20 de minute pana cand face o cerere la DHT? Cred ca as numi-o prostie.

Nu exista motive pentru a astepta. Cele doua sisteme sunt complet independente, si cu siguranta nu e nevoie de 20 de minute pentru cererile la trackere chiar daca nu erau. Nici o versiune precedenta incercata de mine nu a asteptat, si de obicei rezultatele de la DHT vin inainte ca oricare tracker raspunde.

As numi asta un defect serios in 1.15 si recomand intoarcerea la o versiune anterioara.

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Cineva imi atragea atentia ca fiind un forum in lb.romana ar trebui sa folosesc lb.romana.Pe de alta parte ,altcineva imi sugera sa folosesc engleza pt a scurta timpii de raspuns.Recunosc ca sunt up pic derutat,vreau (si sper) sa nu supar pe nimeni,si o sa incerc sa folosesc cele doua limbi in functie de situatie.

Ma bucur ca am putut pune in evidenta o slabiciune a ultimei versiuni de bc(conform spuselor lui Kluelos),era ceva in 'chineza' pentru mine,dar cu mine cum ramane?Credeti ca este vreo solutie la problema mea?

Someone points out that this being a forum in romanian I should use the romanian language. On the other side, someone else said that I should use English to gain time. I admit that I'm a little confused, I want (and hope) not to upset anyone, and I'll try to use the two languages accordingly to the situation.

I'm glad that I could expose a weakness in one of the versions of BC (according to what kluelos said), it was like chinese to me, but what about me? Do you think there is any solution to my problem?

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Ai facut ce ti-a zis kluelos in ultimul lui post adresat tie? daca da , lasa pormita o singura sarcina si dupa ce primesti raspunsurile de la toate trackerele fa o poza la fereastra bitcomet, avand selectata coloana "peers" si una cu "trackers"

Intr-o alta ordine de idei, mergi aici si ,dupa ce opresti toate aplicatiile care folosesc internetul (bitcomet, messenger, mail etc..) , fa un test de viteza la serverul recomandat si posteaza aici rezultatele. Pentru a mentine o comunicare fluenta cu ceilalti parteneri va trebui sa setezi viteza maxima globala de incarcare a bitcomet la cel mult 70% din cea testata si viteza de incarcare la lt-seed la 10% din aceeasi viteza testata ramanand 20% liber pentru comunicare.

Did you do everything that kluelos said in his last post addressed to you? if yes, let only one task running, and after you get all the responses from the trackers make a screenshot of the BitComet window, having the "peers" tab selected and one with the "trackers" tab selected.

On another subject, go here and, after you close all the applications that use the internet (bitcomet, messenger, mail etc...) do a speed test at the recommended server and post here the results. To maintain a good communication with the other peers, you'll need to set the global max upload speed at 70% of your tested maximum at most and the maximum upload speed for lt-seed at 10% of the same tested max so that 20% of it remains free for the communication.

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Someone points out that this being a forum in romanian I should use the romanian language. On the other side, someone else said that I should use English to gain time. I admit that I'm a little confused, I want (and hope) not to upset anyone, and I'll try to use the two languages accordingly to the situation.

Let me explain myself a little bit better...

Yes, when you post in this particular forum you should use Romanian only. Vasy will then translate the Romanian dialogue into English, so that our non-Romanian-speaking Staff can reply to your questions. Their replies will also be translated by Vasy into Romanian, so that you and any other Romanian-speaking member can understand the thread.

When posting in the (English) General Forum, you should use English only. Since there is no need for any translation there, the response to your question will be just as fast (with the exception of the translators, all of the Staff who reply will use English, in any of the forums - be they Romanian, Spanish or English), as the entire Support Team reads each and every post in all of the forums, almost every day.

In other words, if you have an understanding of English (which, is your case), you will be able to understand the English replies (whether these are in the Romanian or English forum), without having to wait for a translation... but, what about the rest of the non-English-speaking members? It wouldn't be very fair to them if, all of a sudden, a thread that they were following in Romanian were to change to English only, would it?

Now, think about that and add to this the fact that the translators also reply to posts made in other forums in English, Spanish, etc., as well as translating the non-English posts... Can you imagine all of the extra work that they have to do, when a member starts posting in more than one language (remember, all of us are unpaid volunteers who donate our spare time, in order to help others), so that others can follow a thread in a common language that they all understand?

I hope that I have explained myself a bit better.


cassie :)

Cineva imi atragea atentia ca fiind un forum in lb.romana ar trebui sa folosesc lb.romana.Pe de alta parte ,altcineva imi sugera sa folosesc engleza pt a scurta timpii de raspuns.Recunosc ca sunt up pic derutat,vreau (si sper) sa nu supar pe nimeni,si o sa incerc sa folosesc cele doua limbi in functie de situatie.

Lasa-ma sa-mi explic putin mai bine punctul de vedere...

Da, cand postezi in acest forum trebuie sa folosesti doar romana. Vasy va traduce dialogul din romana in engleza, astfel incat membrii echipei care nu vorbesc romana sa poata raspunde intrebarilor tale. Raspunsurile lor vor fi la randul lor traduse de Vasy in romana, ca tu si oricare alt vorbitor de limba romana sa inteleaga discutia.

Cand vorbesti in forumul (englez) general, trebuie sa folosesti doar engleza. Avand in vedere ca acolo nu e nevoie de traducere, raspunsul la intrebarile tale va fi la fel de rapid (cu exceptia translatorilor, toti membrii echipei care raspund vor folosi engleza, in oricare din forumuri - chiar daca sunt romani, spanioli sau englezi) pentru ca toata Echipa de ajutor citeste toate postarile din toate forumurile, unul cate unul ,aproape in fiecare zi.

Cu alte cuvinte, daca intelegi engleza (in cazul tau), vei putea intelege postarile in engleza (fiind ele in forumul in romana sau engleza) fara a trebui sa astepti traducerile, dar cum ramane cu restul membrilor care nu vorbesc engleza? Nu ar fi prea cinstit pentru ei daca , dintr-o data, o discutie pe care o citeau in romana, sa se schimbe in doar engleza, asa e?

Acum, gindeste-te la toate astea si adauga faptul ca traducatorii raspund si in alte forumuri in engleza, in spaniola, etc., plus ca traduc si postarile non-engleze.

Poti sa-ti imaginezi toata acea munca in plus pe care trebuie sa o faca atunci cand un membru incepe sa vorbeasca in mai multe limbi? (tine minte, toti suntem voluntari neplatiti care ne dam timpul liber pentru a-i ajuta pe ceilalti) ,asa ca ceilalti sa citeasca o discutie intr-o limba obisnuita pe care o inteleg toti?

Sper ca mi-am explicat putin mai bine punctul de vedere.


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Ma scuzati ca intervin din nou,dar nu pot sa nu intreb:rezultatul de la testul porturilor ce semnificatie are? Din cate pricep eu nu programul nostru este problema ci ea vine din alta parte.Va reamintesc ca simultan cu incetarea functionarii programului BC s-au oprit si alte programe care presupun un schimb de date(mail si messanger).Sigur,voi va pricepeti mult mai bine decat mine,dar eu zic sa facem niste legaturi intre 'evenimente'si atunci aflam si raspunsuri.Cred,cu tot respectul pentru efortul facut de voi, ca ne axam prea mult pe BC si scapam din vedere aspectul general.Vasy ,tu ce parere ai?Nu ma pricep deloc la porturi si cum functioneaza ele,si nici nu am de unde sa aflu.Imi pun mari sperante in voi si in dorinta voastra de a raspunde acestei provocari.

Excuse me for intervening again, but I can't stop myself from asking: what do the port test results mean? From what I can gather, the problem is not coming from this application, but from somewhere else. I remind you that BC stopped working simultaneously with other programs that do data exchange (mail and messenger). I'm certain that you know more than I do, but I say that we should make some connections between the "events" and then we'll find answers. I think, with all due respect for your efforts, that we focus too much on BC and we miss the more general aspect of it. Vasy, what's your opinion on this? I don't know anything about ports and how they work, and I have nowhere to learn from. I put a lot of hope in you and your eagerness to respond to this challenge.

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At this particular time (Autumn of 2009), The Pirate Bay tracker is having a great many problems which you can read about in the news. For the most part, their tracker does not respond, as it did not here. An alternative that usually works, is the openbittorrent.com tracker, which did respond. That tracker is quite unlike most others, in that it does not require registration of any torrent.

That's a profound difference. Among other things, it will never respond with "unregistered torrent", meaning "I never heard of that torrent before." Instead, Openbittorrent will obligingly set up to try to track it.

One aspect of it is that it may report many peers, but it takes longer for them to find each other. I don't know why that is, but have observed that it is so. Another, weirder aspect of it is that the openbittorrent tracker always reports that there are 200 peers. Not 199, not 201, but 200. Every time.

When you have a situation where the primary trackers are not responding, and only the openbittorrent tracker is working, you will need to give it considerably more time for a torrent to get going. Notice that in your peers tab, nobody's contacted you and you haven't contacted anybody else either. If you give it more time, say 10 minutes or so, it may well start working.

However, you already know this torrent is in trouble. It may not recover at all. I suggest looking for another torrent with the same material, that uses another tracker.

In acest timp (toamna lui 2009), trackerul The Pirate Bay are o gramada de probleme despre care poti citi la stiri. In cea mai mare parte trackerul lor nu raspunde, asa cum nu a facut-o aici. O alternativa care merge de obicei, este trackerul openbittorrent.com, care a raspuns. Acel tracker este diferit de celelalte, in sensul ca nu este nevoie de inregistrarea unui torrent.

Asta e o diferenta profunda. Printre altele, nu va raspunde niciodata cu "torrent neinregistrat", insemnand "Nu am mai auzit de acel torrent vre-o data". Ci se va apuca sa-l urmareasca.

Un aspect al lui este ca poate raporta multi parteneri, dar le ia mai mult timp sa se gaseasca intre ei. Nu stiu de ce, dar am observat ca asa e. Un alt aspect, mai ciudat, este ca trackerul openbittorrent raporteaza intotdeauna ca sunt 200 de parteneri. Nu 199, nu 201, ci 200. De fiecare data.

In situatia in care tracrele principale nu raspund, si doar trackerul openbittorrent raspunde, va trebui sa-i dai mult mai mult timp pentru a incepe. Poti observa in sectiunea peers ca nimeni nu te-a contactat si nici tu nu ai contactat pe nimeni. Daca-i dai mai mult timp, sa zicem 10 minute, s-ar putea sa porneasca.

Oricum, stii deja ca acest torrent are probleme. Se poate sa nu-si mai revina deloc. Iti sugerez sa cauti alt torrent cu acelasi continut, care foloseste un alt tracker.

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Mininova is only an index site and does not have its own tracker. Instead, the torrents listed there must be tracked at some other site, very often at TPB or Demonoid. The torrents that you find on Mininova are frequently the same torrents uploaded at those sites. It's important to pay attention to what the torrent's tracker is, to be sure you aren't just getting the same torrent you already have.

IsoHunt is similarly only an index site with no tracker of its own.

Mininova este doar un site de indexare si nu are propriul tracker. Ci trebuie ca torrentele sa fie urmarite in un alt site, deseori TPB sau Demonoid. Torrentele pe care le gasesti pe Mininova sunt de obicei aceleasi cu cele incarcate in acele site-uri. E important sa fii atent la ce tracker are torrentul, ca sa fii sigur ca nu iei acelasi torrent pe care-l ai deja.

IsoHunt este la fel, un site de indexare, fara un tracker al lui.

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Daca portul e raportat ca fiind blocat de pfportchecker inseamna ca ai un firewall care il blockeaza, acesta e scopul unui firewall, si e un lucru bun pentru securitatea calculatorului tau. Problema vine cand nu-l poti accesa.

Pentru a invata mai multe despre porturi, citeste aici.

Romtelecom ofera servicii bazate pe tehnologia ADSL, acum nu stiu cum e facuta reteaua in societatea la care lucrezi, si nici ce aparatura folosesc. Deci, doar administratorul retelei poate sa-ti deschida portul. El poate sa-ti spuna mai exact si de ce nu-ti merg celelalte aplicatii.

E foarte posibil sa fii in spatele unui NAT, deci comunicarea cu oricare din parteneri trebuie sa fie initiata neaparat de tine.

O solutie(nu perfecta) pentru asta ar fi NAT traversal, ultima versiune de BitComet care suporta asta e 1.02.

Si inca ceva, cand ai obtinut viteze bune descarcand Open Office, nu ai schimbat calculatorul, nici conexiunea, nici clientul ci doar torrentul.;)

If the port is reported by the pfportchecker as being blocked it means that a firewall is blocking it, that is the main purpose of a firewall, and it is a good thing for the security of your computer. The problem comes when you can't access it.

To learn more about ports, read here.

Romtelecom offers services based on ADSL technology. I don't know how is your network made or what hardware they use. So, only the network's administrator can open a port for you. He can also tell you why exactly the other apps don't work.

Most likely you are behind a NAT, so the comunication with any peer must be started by you.

A solution (not perfect) for this may be the NAT traversal feature, the latest version that supports it is 1.02.

And I must add that when you got good speeds downloading Open Office, you haven't changed the computer, the connection, nor the client but just the torrent.

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Se pare ca ne-am intors de unde am plecat.Multumesc tuturor celor care au incercat sa-mi dea o mana de ajutor,iar daca aveti ceva sugestii care ar putea ajuta nu le tineti pt voi.Toate bune!

It seems that we're back to where we started. Thanks everyone who tried to lend me a hand, and if any of you have some suggestions that could help me, don't keep them to yourself. All the the best!

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  • 2 weeks later...


M-am intors.Vreau sa va intreb o chestie,voi va pricepeti si poate stiti raspunsul:daca din server s-a facut modificarea porturilor(presupunand ca despre asta este vorba) acest lucru nu ar trebui sa-i afecteze pe toti cei din reteaua locala?Intreb asta pentru ca la toti ceilalti mess-ul si alte alea functioneaza(din cate stiu eu nimeni altcineva nu face download),cu alte cuvinte sunt singurul afectat de 'maladie'.Poate serverul sa blocheze selectiv lucrurile astea?Poate fi instalat(sau activat) un filtru care sa declanseze blocarea in anumite conditii,de ex.la un anumit trafic,sau o anumita cantitate de informatie descarcata sa 'puna frana'?


I'm back. I want to ask you something, you have a better understanding of this and maybe you have the answer: if the port modification (?) was made in the server (assuming that this is what we are talking about) shouldn't it affect everyone else in the network? I am asking this because the messenger and the other apps work (as far as I know nobody else downloads), in other words I'm the only one affected by the "malady". Can the server selectively block these things? Is it possible to install(or activate) a filter that triggers the block in a specific condition, for ex. to halt at a specific traffic [amount/type] or at a specific quantity of information downloaded?

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Da, este posibila blocarea/limitarea oricarui tip de trafic (poate sa vada tot ce faci tu, chiar si ce tastezi) , dar, repet, asta depinde de ce software/hardware foloseste administratorul tau. Si daca e asa, tu nu poti face nimic in legatura cu asta.

Dar ca sa excludem posibilitatea de a exista unu "filtru" chiar in calculatorul tau, fa o poza la fereastra Control Panel/Security, cu informatiile despre firewall afisate (date in jos apasand butonul cu sageti de langa bulina verde), si posteaz-o aici.

Yes, it is possible to block/limit any kind of traffic (he can see everything you do, even what you type), but, I repeat, this depends on what software/hardware does your admin use. And even if this is true, you can't do anything about it.

But, to exclude the possibility that there may be a "filter" right in your own pc, make a screenshot of the Control Panel/Security window, with the information about your firewall shown (dropped down by clicking on the button with arrows next to the green light), and post it here.

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This is a a point that many others have tripped up on. You're not the first. But it's not so technical or mysterious as it first seems.

Almost everything that you do involving the internet, including email, web surfing, instant messaging and live updating, is conducted by your application contacting a server, and the server replying to you.

Request, reply. Request, reply.

A firewall usually permits requests from applications on this side of it to pass through it, and it also permits replies to those requests, to pass through from that side. What the firewall does not permit is new and unsolicited contacts from other computers -- that is, anything that is not a reply to something you sent -- any outside computer's attempt to contact you.

Now, bittorrent. It is, as it says, peer-to-peer. But if everybody's firewall is blocking unsolicited contacts from everybody else, then clearly nobody can communicate.

Bittorrent requires that some, even most peers, create an exception in their firewall(s) which allows new, unsolicted traffic to come through it, provided that traffic has a specific port address.

The bittorrent client listens to that port and accepts all traffic for it. The traffic which is a legitimate bittorrent transaction is processed. All other traffic it does not understand (because it's not in the required format) so the client discards it, protecting your system.

"Opening your firewall for your client" is not the same thing. Doing that merely permits outbound traffic to proceed. It still blocks all unsolicited inbound traffic including any intended for a bittorrent client. You have to open a specific port to permit that. Do not open all ports, this is the same as disabling the firewall completely, and leaves you unprotected from all kinds of nasties. (Most of the email spam you get comes to you courtesy of people who disabled their firewalls.)

THe port is opened for all traffic -- it is not a firewall's job to sort or even discern what sort of traffic it is -- that is done by your TCP/IP stack, which directs the traffic to the application that previously reserved that particular port.

As a newcomer to bittorrent, you do not HAVE to have an open listen port, strictly speaking, because most other peers have already opened theirs. You can operate in "no listen" mode, but this means you are limited to only those peers that you initiate contact with, whose listen ports ARE open to the traffic you send them. Nobody else can initiate contact with you because your firewall blocks it. Bittorrent transfers will work, but much slower than they otherwise could be.

Most admins do not trouble to block a particular sort of unsolicited traffic. They block all of it, with the default settings of a standard firewall. Other internet applications -- browser, email, chat -- continue to work because none of them involve unsolicited traffic. The admin doesn't need to do anything in particular to block bittorrent. He would have to do something particular to allow it through.

Firewalls act as gates between incoming traffic and you. Having several firewalls is like having several gates. Only one of those gates needs to be closed, for traffic to be blocked. It doesn't matter whether the others are open or closed then. It is possible, as Vasy points out, that nobody is blocking the traffic except the software firewall running on your own machine. It's also possible, and even likely, that all incoming traffic goes through a company firewall which rejects all unsolicited traffic; or even that the company gets its internet service from a provider who firewalls it. That's common when the internet service is provided by the building owner.

Traducere Englez-Romana=>

Acesta e un punct de care s-au impiedicat multi. Nu esti primul. Dar nu e atat de complicat si de misterios precum pare la prima vedere.

Aproape tot ce faci in legatura cu internetul, incluzand e-mail, navigare web, mesagerie si live update, e executat de aplicatia ta contactand serverul si acesta trimitandu-ti un raspuns.

Cerere, raspuns. Cerere, raspuns.

Un paravan de protectie de obicei permite cererile facute de aplicatia ta de pe partea asta a lui si raspunsurile adresate ei de pe partea cealalta. Ceea ce nu permite paravanul sunt contactarile noi, nesolicitate de la alte calculatoare -- insemnand, orice nu este un raspuns la o cerere de a ta -- orice incercare a unui alt calculator de a te contacta.

Acum, bittorrent. Este asa cum se spune, de la partener la partener. Dar daca paravanul fiecaruia blocheaza contacatarile nesolicitate de la toti ceilalti, atunci e clar ca nimeni nu poate comunica.

Bittorrent necesita ca macar cativa, chiar majoritatea partenerilor sa creeze o regula in paravanul(ele) lor care sa permita traficul nou, nesolicitat, avand in vedere ca acel trafic are o anumita adresa de port.

Clientul bittorrent asculta la acel port si preia tot traficul pentru el. Traficul care este o tranzactie bittorrent legitima este procesat. Orice alt tip de trafic nerecunoscut este respins (pentru ca nu-l recunoaste) ,protejandu-ti sistemul.

"Deschizand paravanul pentru clientul tau" nu e acelasi lucru. Asta doar permite treficul de iesire. El tot blocheaza traficul de intrare nesolicitat, incluzand unul intentionat pentru un client bittorrent. Trebuie sa deschizi un anume port pentru a permite asta. Nu deschide toate porturile, asta e acelasi lucru cu dezactivarea paranavanului, si te lasa neprotejat impotriva multor rautati. (Majoritatea publicitatii nedorite primite prin e-mail vine din partea celor care si-au dezactivat paravanul)

Portul e deschis pentru orice tip de trafic -- nu e treaba paravanului sa sorteza sau chiar sa recunoasca ce tip de trafic este -- asta e facuta de stiva TCP/IP, care redirectioneaza traficul spre aplicatia care a rezervat acel port.

Ca un nou venit pentru bittorrent nu TREBUIE sa ai portul de ascultare deschis, in mod strict, pentru ca majoritatea celorlalti si le-au deschis. Poti folosi modul "fara ascultare" dar asta inseamna ca te limitezi doar la partenerii la care ai initiat tu comunicarea, ale caror porturi de ascultare SUNT deschise pentru traficul pe care le il trimiti. Nimeni altcineva nu poate sa ininitieze comunicarea cu tine pentru ca paravanul o blocheaza. Transferurile bittorrent vor merge dar mult mai incet decat ar putea sa mearga.

Majoritatea administratorilor nu se deranjeaza sa blocheze un anume tip de trafic nesolicitat. Ei il blocheaza pe tot cu setarile implicite ale unui paravan standard. Alte aplicatii de internet --navigator, e-mail, chat -- continua sa mearga pentru ca nici una din ele nu presupune trafic nesolicitat. Un administrator nu trebuie sa faca ceva in special pentru a bloca bittorrent. Ar trebui sa faca ceva in special ca sa-l permita.

Paravanele de protectie actioneaza ca porti intre tine si traficul de intrare. A avea mai multe paravane inseamna a avea mai multe porti. Doar una din acele porte are nevoie sa fie inchise pentru ca traficul sa fie blocat. Nu conteaza daca celelalte sunt deschise sau nu. Este posibil, asa cum a zis Vasy, ca nimeni nu-ti blocheaza traficul inafara de paravanul din calculatorul tau. Si mai este posibil, ba chiar foarte probabil, ca tot traficul trece printr-un paravan al companiei si acesta blocheaza tot traficul nesolicitat; sau char compania ia serviciul de internet de la un furnizor care il blocheaza. Situatia asta e des intalnita can internetul este de la proprietarul cladirii.

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