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crash crash crash....

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name bitcomet as crash software...will be a better option..... a user download a torrent file....with the default torrent client ie bitcomet...after the click the software name bitcomet open up and crash ....then it restart and then crash....and so on every time...or stuck... god knows when it will respond... :rolleyes: :angry: .

the older version were good ie 1.21 or some what like that...but these days....fkkkkkkk .....software has become a h***.... u open the software when it will respond god knows ....... got a very good system

##### System Information #####

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (6.01.7601)

DirectX: 9.0c

CPU name: AMD Phenom II X2 545 Processor

CPU speed: 3008MHz

Memory: 2047MB

Screen size: 1920x1080 (32bits)

Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series, 1024MB

Audio card: {1} {2} {3}

Edited by yarragav (see edit history)
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It's true, we don't know English.

Perhaps you could come and teach us "your english" and then we could all hereby lay foundation for a new support team called "The Babel Tower".

But just so you know, a couple of the members of the support are NATIVE English speakers, one of which is kluelos.

You must be delusional if you think that what you posted above is in plain English. We allowed it only for the funny/innocent tint it had.

But since you seem to be developing a bad case of attitude, I suggest you go find a person who can really speak/write in English or a good English book.

I don't feel like wasting my time and sight trying to understand what you want to say, nor is your demeanor worthy of the effort.

Nobody here or in the development team owes you anything and if you can't bring yourself to take all your pills daily and adopt a more civil manner of addressing, I suggest you ask for a refund of all the money you spent on the software and support here and go throw your tantrums somewhere else.

I'm sure they'll be more than welcoming when they see your charming personality. ;)

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If BitComet really behaved in the way you (in frenzied gibberish) describe, for most people, then nobody would use it. Tell me, is that hard to understand?

So, if the software works very well for most people -- several million of them, daily -- but not for you, then is the problem with the software? Or is it with your system?

Well, it's such crap, and the support team never responds to reasonable requests. You're much better off not using it. Try utorrent!

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here comes my left middle finger for You and your software......






........('(...?...?.... ?~/'...')


.........'\'...\............ _.??



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If you could only have used your creativity to better describe your problem, then we could have helped you, but you preferred to insult and rant.

End result, your system will become more unstable until you ultimately will need to fix the problem, or you'll next blame someone else and end up replacing the computer.

Enjoy your ignorance, but do it elsewhere, you're no longer welcome here.

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