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Have 1gb of dropped data and it keeps growing

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We're going to need more info to help you properly, so I suggest you start by reading the link in my signature, I'm sure you can figure out which one. Also, where are you getting the majority of the data? There can be many reasons why dropped data can accumulate, anything from bad connections to router settings.

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I suggest you start by reading the link in my signature, I'm sure you can figure out which one.

No offense, I aint got time.

Bitcomet never betrayed me so I suppose it's a bad torrent or something, you can mark this as solved, thanks.

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Like he stated, TUUS, he hasn't got the time...

Unfortunately, trying to guess at his resolution without information would just be a waste of our time and would subtract said time from trying to help someone else.

If the member doesn't want to even attempt to make an effort, our time will be better spent on someone who does.

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