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can't open a download movie clip


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I don't get what you mean by "not completely seeded". Are you saying the file is incomplete? If so, BitComet has an option to append ".bc!" to incomplete files, which keeps you from making that very mistake. You can see at a glance that the file hasn't finished downloading.

The VLC player from videolan.org can usually handle incomplete files, depending on just how incomplete it is. There will be gaps and skips, of course, but it will do better than most other players.

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I don't get what you mean by "not completely seeded". Are you saying the file is incomplete? If so, BitComet has an option to append ".bc!" to incomplete files, which keeps you from making that very mistake. You can see at a glance that the file hasn't finished downloading.

The VLC player from videolan.org can usually handle incomplete files, depending on just how incomplete it is. There will be gaps and skips, of course, but it will do better than most other players.

No, the file was 100% completely downloaded, but I was not the only one who can't open the file.

I saw complaints from other users saying the there was 30MB missing.

The file was expected to have 200MB file size, but what we received was just 170MB.

There was a description for the 200 episodes like this: 0 seeder(s), 78 leecher(s) = 78 peer(s) total

I think I should have mixed up by Seeder, Leecher, and Peers.

I would appreciate for anyone's explanation of the three words above!


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