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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration


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You just posted the same thing only 3 hours ago.

Be patient and please don't make duplicate posts - it just makes more work for the staff to read and delete such posts.

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Iso is a disc Image.

You can burn it to a disc, or mount it in a virtual cdrom drive.

what does ISO mean???


What is a "file.iso"


All of the above information you could have found using google.com, or any search engine in one minute or less.

If you continue to post duplicate questions you will receive an official warning as well as account restrictions.


ps. burn disc with "nero" or "alcohol 120%", or mount disc with alcohol, or "deamon tools"

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Because that was one time too many.

You are expected to make some minimal effort to try to help yourself. None of us are being paid to help you or anyone else. So when someone like yourself comes along with a question which indicates they haven't bothered to read the FAQ, or search the forum or the web for the answer to what is, after all, their problem and not ours, we often refer them here.

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