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Bit Commit my a**!!!

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Good day every body.

I have been using bit comet for more than 2 years,and my score is more than "10200" point.But I am not pleased with this program all that time,because downloading a file with bit comet is sucks and make me verrrrrrrrrrrry sick. the downloading speed should be at least 100 KB/s but with this great program it is about 9 KB/s.So why this stupidity, since there is another torrent client "which is green and about 200 KB and absolutely free" make my downloading speed reaches 120 KB/s with out any playing with my firewall or anti virus setting. can any body that supports bit comet tell me way not bit comet become an easy program to use??? with out any complexity in use???

Thank you.

by the way I am a god d*** computer engineer so I know when I compare 2 program with each other,I am telling that to remove any doubts about using computer programs and fair comparing.

good bay.

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Buon giorno, sniperxxx.

there is another torrent client "which is green and about 200 KB and absolutely free"

Would that be uTorrent, by any chance? Yes, uTorrent is free... and so is BitComet (you didn't pay for it, did you?).

make my downloading speed reaches 120 KB/s

Is that the maximum capacity of your connection? I have a 1 Mb/s connection and I get more than that, on a well-seeded torrent.

with out any playing with my firewall or anti virus setting

Being a computer engineer, I'm sure that you must be well aware that, if your firewall does not have an exception/rule created for a certain application/port, any incoming, unsolicited initiations will automatically not be recognized and, therefore, blocked (thus, hampering your possibilities of being in contact with faster/more reliable peers). It so happens that uTorrent also needs to have its settings adjusted, in accordance with the user's individual setup, and cannot be left to run "as is" (default settings) - just like BitComet - if one hopes to get the maximum rendering out of it.

Antivirus? Why would a p2p client need to 'play' with my antivirus? Neither BitComet nor uTorrent do so.

way not bit comet become an easy program to use??? with out any complexity in use???

The term "easy" is purely subjective - what is considered easy by some people, may noy be considered as such, by others.

As a computer engineer, when was the last time that you, yourself, created a non-complex application? All computer programs must be told what to do (and when) - I have yet to come accross one that reads the user's mind.

Auguri e arrivederci.

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hello Ángel Español,the bit comet fan.

Is that the maximum capacity of your connection? I have a 1 Mb/s connection and I get more than that, on a well-seeded torrent.

firs thing I do not care about your downloading speed because this is not my concern.

second thing, I want you to answer this qustion.

why when I run bit comet, it does not download with the speed that I pay to the god d*** ISP for, since the uTorrent give me the appropriate speed when i switch to it???

thank you

kos ommak.

Edited by sniperxxx (see edit history)
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Because you haven't configured it correctly.

(You'd think a computer engineer could figure that out, really.)

When you DO configure it correctly, as Cassie did, then your speed goes way up. µtorrent needs to be configured too, but you evidently lucked out with its defaults.

OTOH, if you're been running for two years, as you said, without ever configuring your client and without noticing that something was wrong, perhaps you're less knowledgeable on the subject than you believe.

I suggest you stick with µtorrent and their support forum. Love to see you try the attitude on Firion & company.

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Just to make things clear, I stoped using bit comet six months ago from now, and for that time I have been using it, it was fine, giving me the max download speed most of the times.But when I returned back to bit comet just like old times it shocked me with this poor performance.

I know it needs configurations but why I wast my time finding solution for something has alternatives.

now I may stick with my favorite torrent client "greeny", until it may bother my a**, then I may get back to you guys.

Thanks a lot Ángel Español and supporting team for your responds.

good bay.

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come on guys do not you think any body who uses a P2P , does not know about the seeders or leechers and their uploading speeds????

come one, it is torrent 101.

I did not post here before I tried the same torrent file with bit comet and utorrent.

and there was no chance to compare, because the bit comet was almost dead, this is what I meant by fair comparing!!!

So thanks you orange scientists, or let me call you the only bit comet users all around the world.

by the way I proudly uninstalled your software out of my PC.

So keep trying to catch the greeny.

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