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over uploading!! 1.14-1.13

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hi everyone how u doin?

look guys i got this silly problem, i got my port opened n i have an over uploading, like i have all the tasks with 0kbps uploading while u watch the speed scale reading over 400 kbps some times, n this is completely unbelievable, this is totally wrong n btw it takes the whole speed so i even can't surf the net any more until i get the program closed.

wifi - win 7 - using ver 1.14 - opened port

any help would be appreciated.

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Whenever you have a question, you first have to provide what we consider the Essentials and be able to include the maximum amount of detailed information (speed test results, the settings that you're using, which Tutorial/s you have followed, etc.) possible - the more, the better.

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No, it only affects long-time seeding. Normal bt uploading will only be limited by your global max upload rate limit if you have set that. It should be set to 70% of your TESTED upload rate to give a fast response to other peers and to have a less lagged internet browsing experience.

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