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No re-downloads if the file was removed from the disk manualy


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Unless you had told BitComet to download a specific task (one for which you had removed/moved the contents) once again, I can't think of an instance where it would attempt to do this, on its own.

Could you perhaps expand on the circumstance(s) where you think that this feature would be helpful?

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Ok. I have a folder where I download movies. There 50/50 movies downloaded from ftp servers and through torrent trackers. When I want to delete some movie I have to find it in Bitcomet and delete it from context menu. If the file is from ftp server, I have to look through all downloadings in Bitcomet, and only after that I can delete it manualy from the disk. If I miss this file in the downloadings list then Bitcomet will download it again. And this is waste of time and traffic.

Of course, I can create special folder for the torrent downloads. But I download not only movies. And it is not to comfortable to create folders just to know that those files I have delete from Bitcomet.

Have to add that I usualy don't stop tasks because I care of rating and rarely use free trackers.

Edited by gus24 (see edit history)
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In bitcomet's options menu, in the "Task" tab, you can find a setting called "Auto-resume tasks at program startup", disable it. And why wouldn't you just select "Delete task and all downloaded files" from the right click menu of each task? You can select multiple tasks by holding down the Ctrl key and delete them all at once.

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In bitcomet's options menu, in the "Task" tab, you can find a setting called "Auto-resume tasks at program startup", disable it.

And then at program startup I have manualy start all my tasks... not an option.

And why wouldn't you just select "Delete task and all downloaded files" from the right click menu of each task? You can select multiple tasks by holding down the Ctrl key and delete them all at once.

I have more than 100 movies on the disk. When I watched a movie, I want to remove it from the disk and not search if it is present in Bitcomet tasks.

I moved to bitcomet from utorrent, and I really miss this function.

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Until the feature you ask for is implemented, you can use the "Task search box" to find the tasks faster. ("View" tab => "Toolbar Status" => "Show Task Search Box")

The useful thing I find in this feature is that when an antivirus deletes a suspect file, bitcomet downloads it again, and then the antivirus finds it again and... :rolleyes: etc, until you go and set the file's priority to "disabled" (or uncheck the box next to it in the newer versions). An error message should show when a file is missing, asking whether or not to redownload it. Annoying, but necessary in some situations, and an "don't show this again" or "remember my answer" check box could help those who have nightmares about pop-ups.

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There isn't an existing mechanism for doing this now -- and by that, I mean a way to tell whether a file has been downloaded before. The existing mechanism is, "does the downloaded file exist?". To implement what you're asking for, you'd effectively need a list of what had been downloaded before, to compare against.

So, do you really want such a thing?

Consider carefully.

You are implying the creation of a download history, a record of what you've obtained via BitComet.

I don't want anything like that on my computer. I don't want anything at all keeping any records of what I've downloaded. I would rather put up with a lot of inconvenience before I'd tolerate that. Indeed, I'd switch clients to avoid it. I don't WANT histories of which web sites I've visited, which pictures I've looked at, which documents I've read, which files I've downloaded &c kept on my computer. I've bought utilities whose whole purpose is just to seek and destroy information like that which my computer has been keeping without my knowledge or against my will.

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I don't really know what the existing mechanism allows. But I believe there should be a way to do this without a such list. Just let the Bitcomet to check the progress for the task first, then check the files. If the progress is 100% and the files are missing, then stop this task or mark it as broken.

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Just let the Bitcomet to check the progress for the task first, then check the files.

This process is called a "rehash", and can take anywhere from a few minutes, to many hours (large files from multiple torrents).

For a client to rehash all existing tasks to confirm they are/are not complete each time you start would be about the worst idea I could think of. However, if the files are completely missing, then bitcomet will see this and record progress at 0%, and depending on its settings "may" think you want to download the files.

In my opinion, your asking the software to do something you really should be doing yourself, which is simply deleting a task when you delete files, or simply deleting the task as soon as you have seeded your fair share, but it "may" be possible to add a "previously downloaded" flag onto a task, and let you option to not allow such tasks to automatically be downloaded, however, if I was developing bitcomet, I think I could find much more important improvements to work on, but thats just my opinion, and all suggestions are evaluated by our development team, which will consider your request.

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