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help seeding???

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sup all,

I have just recently created my account although i have been downloading for 3 years. My ? is how do i share the files i have downloaded. If i am downlading a torrent it shows to be uploading during the download, but when the task finishes its done. BTW I have already assigned my static address. I just don know how to share the files i have already downloaded. I have tonz!!!!!

Edited by iwuzyou (see edit history)
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I had the same question a few weeks ago, and was told when I'm done downloading a task it will automatically start uploading. If you have the option to hash check when task is done downloading, it will do this first and then start uploading. In my experience, as long as your download is 100% and you have an orange up arrow, then you are now considered a seeder. I don't know what version of Bit Comet you have, I have version 1.27 and that's how seeding works with this version, it's probably pretty much the same with others. You can also take any of your downloads in your history, as long as it's 100%, and push the start button and you should see the orange arrow, meaning you are now seeding. That's about all I know, I hope this helps.

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rpwicked pretty much nailed it.

Basically you should leave the tasks seeding until you reach a ratio you consider sufficient.

A minimum ration of 1.5 - 2.0 will mean that you gave back to others 150% - 200% of what you took.

There is an auto-stop condition in BitComet (on the Options-->Task page) which when enabled will stop a task from seeding when it reaches a combination of a certain share ratio, minimum seeding time and minimum seeds number present in the swarm. You can set those values to whatever seems fit for you, but the defaults should be considered the average minimums.

Even when you stop a task in BitComet if LT-Seeding is enabled (which is the case by default) the contents of the task will still be available for other BitComet peers through the LT-Seeding protocol, which is proprietary to BitComet. That means that your task may still upload towards other BitComet peers even when it's stopped (but only if there is unused available upload bandwidth).

More details on seeding in general and on LT-Seeding technology you can find here:

Long-Term Seeding

How to seed?

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I'll also add (since most people who browse this topic won't read the links), that LTseed not only helps the bitcomet peers, but is very swarm friendly. The protocol is designed to throttle back and allow bittorrent to use all available bandwidth and in the case of an unseeded bittorrent task, or weakly seeded, a bitcomet peer could download the contents from LTseed then become a seeder and help non-bitcomet peers complete the download.

During the download process it helps the bitcomet peer to download faster too (it's primary purpose), but it was designed to be a help to all, making bitcomet peers among the best peers in most public torrents.

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What are you asking about hash checking and trackers?

i have the yellow triangle with ex point in middle next to some of my files???

Are you referring to files, or tasks? there is a huge difference. Can you provide a screenshot so we can be sure what your referring to?

Also, try hovering over the warning and see if "balloon tip" offers more information on the error.

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not sure really bro.. i read "swarm" friendly ( i would assume that prevents an overload of peers downloading? and also the hash check and torrent tracker. not sure what that is. also i have seen the screenshot option somewhere but cant find it now. i have the triangle of death on all 500 files i have downlaoded now.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by iwuzyou (see edit history)
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I think you need to do some reading on how bittorrent works, so that (at least) your questions make sense to us. Currently, I'm not even sure what your asking, and I can't fully explain everything about bittorrent and the technology bitcomet has incorporated with it in a single forum post, and it wouldn't be necessary being we've already done all this and the info can be read in the forum and on wiki.bitcomet.com and in our FAQs.

I will touch on the two words you mentioned.

Tracker: A torrent tracker is a computer on the internet the coordinates info among peers (users) making bittorrent downloading possible.

Hash Check: This is a process where each piece of data is tested to make sure it's 100% intact, which will prevent any damaged or infected pieces from being retained. This is done automatically as each piece is downloaded, and optionally after download is complete. It can also be done manually if you have reason to suspect there may be a problem with the task.

Also, a torrent "file" is a very small txt file (usually less then 1mB), and when opened, it creates a "task" which then downloads one or more files that can be of any size. Although some people call these downloaded files as "torrent files", this is not only inaccurate, but also makes their statement incomprehensible in many cases. If someone calls the files they download a "torrent file", then what would you call the "torrent file" that was used to download them.

An example of a "torrent file" would be "movie.torrent". An example of a movie downloaded in a torrent task would be "movie.avi".

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I think he's speaking about the error icon in the Task List, that is described here.

Usually that is caused by BitComet not being able to find the files for the task in the location indicated in the Properties page.

But you'll really need to check what error is being reported by hovering your mouse pointer over the icon.

Also, I think that you'd better follow the advice TUUS gave you and at least brush on the terminology used in the BitTorrent scene, so that you can make sure that you are fully understood when you post a question, not just guessed upon.

You'll probably find the BitComet Wiki is the best place to start.

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thanks gwizard and usu spct for your help.,

This is what i should have posted. the tab that says "trackers", what does the word tracker make you think? Your being tracked. I am simply trying to give back what i take without any problems. i have like 500 torrents downloaded over time

.The word tracker scares me!!! And i thought maybe hash check was something i needed to do before downloading. I usually have to search forums forever to find a similar ? , and u guys were very responsive. I was looking for tracker is: blah blah and hash check is: da di da.// I wasn tryin to ask some stupid noob? My bad

Edited by iwuzyou (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

[quote name='rpwicked' as long as your download is 100% and you have an orange up arrow,

You don't even have to be 100% dl'ed to be able to upload or share, but if you see that upwards red arrow when dl'ing, then you are sharing.

I guess I quoted wrong, sorry.

Edited by janesman2007 (see edit history)
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